My “Inner Journey” series of abstract paintings are a metaphor for our life journey, for the ego’s journey. Time, the path we have travelled, is represented by the direction and quality of the line. As it turns back on itself the line forms unique shapes. Repetition and colour morph into unique patterns that overlap and merge into one another. These visual elements may symbolize the events we have experienced, the seasons we pass through, the roles we play and the layers of our lives.
Each visual element plays a role in the overall visual landscape, just as each experience we have impacts our lives and how we see the world. The image has a flow, a movement and direction, life is in continual change, a flux. The layers of paint and merging shapes which spill over into all areas remind us of our own lives that also have various layers with the rippling consequences of our decisions and actions. Interrelatedness of all the visual elements allude to the complexity and beauty of our own lives and perhaps the divine, imbued in all of life. Within all of my paintings there is an image of a bird which symbolizes the Divine. It is not always easy to see and blends into the overall tapestry, just as the Divine is veiled and obscured within our own lives.
When we stand back and view the completed image it is no longer a series of unrelated lines, or shapes, or patters. The overall image has evolved into a rich and colourful tapestry. Like a patchwork quilt where all the elements come into play it hopefully provides a visual image that evokes harmony and pleasure. An interconnectedness of all the visual elements reflects the Divine infused in all of life. Perhaps it also speaks of the complexity, diversity, and beauty of our own unique human experience. For me at this point in time, a life of beauty, joy and love.
At another level the paintings are analogous to my inner journey of self inquiry, the inner journey of the soul. Not a conceptual understanding or visual representation of the ego’s journey but an unfolding awareness of a deeper reality. An awakening to a divine Self that is not my thoughts, nor my personal “story”. Something deeper resides within, unable to be contained by words. Soul, spirit, deeper self, inner teacher, inner truth are all terms used to describe this unique inner being or presence.